Monday, November 24, 2008

Is it safe out there in cyber space!?

Wouldn’t the cyber world be a lot nicer without SPAM? I think it will be nice already if we have a day without junk mail. As much as 75% percent of the junk mail that clogs our computer has come from the hosting service McColo Corp., in San Jose. They were accused of providing servers for criminal activity and to distribute child pornography. McColo has also been linked to identity theft and stolen bank and credit card account information. Are they one the fewest in the cyber world? **** no!

The spammers and cyber criminals are so fasinating in a way that you would never come to believe. They use trojan horse programs to sneak into personal and corporate computers then link them to send spam or worse ( VIRUSES!!). An innocent screen saver can link a computer to a spam network without the user knowning. Cyber world is suppose be the safest place for us to explore and generate business on a daily basis. Unfortunately, there’s already theives/robbers outside the wires( in the real world) but what seems like now there’s a lot more thieves mopping online. It is going to influence our children /students dramatically since technology is what they rely on to expand their knowledge.

Can antiviral softwares be any help? Maybe but not really!! Cyber criminals doesn’t partner up with stupid folks with basic computer skills, they shake hands with PROFESSIONlAL HACKERS, people with master degrees in software tech. Not only will effect the mind of young children in danger but it will also do harm as a whole. People and businesses will be too terrified to work around the cyber world. No one will want to take advantage of the advancement in speed and international communication. We should diffinitely as a state regulate and put effort into yanking these morbid servers out of cyber space. Just like anything else that the government inspect and investigate on a yearly or monthly basis, the cyber world inspection needs to have the same attention and strict regulations.

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