Monday, October 20, 2008

New Growth

I enjoyed reading an article called, “House vs. Tree” written by a colleague, Sunday. Its main focus is the economic crisis and how there is still a cap in the housing industry. Many new houses and new developments that were suppose to emerge have halted because the lack of funds and profits. Austin with its bustling is certainly suffering overall from the US economy and experiencing the trickle down effect. The cause of that fewer people are moving into Austin and lesser companies willing to give money for housing development means that there are fewer jobs and money. Bigger cities with a larger population are not doing so well compare to the smaller cities. We need to come together and agree on a plan that will help the market pick itself up. We shouldn’t completely wipe out all the green trees for our gain but we can’t afford to not sacrifice it either for new constructions. We need the bigger companies to help develop the smaller companies to grow and provide new jobs and bring in new money to the economy. I would say yes to more road construction, better lighting systems and timers. I agree with Sunday that we need to seek opportunities for more economic growth in our city but at the same time we should do something to help our country keep the green nature.

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